Lily's first day home ~ 2 days old

Introducing Miss Lillian Hope

Born May 27, 11:07 am. Weighing in at 7 pounds 14 ounces. 19 1/4 inches at Kootenai Medical Center (barely). We almost didn't make it, we checked in at 11:00am!!

Great-Great Grandma Stevens 90th B-day Party

What a special day! May 19, Ella & Great-great grandma Stevens meet for the first time.

Jill's Shower for Baby Lily! May 6

On left, pictured with Pershia, Chris' cousin in law, friends Sheri, Janell behind. On Right, Terri Young organized and Jolene Pooley hosted my special day for our new baby girl to come.

Easter at Pooleys house

Hunting eggs with Jayson Derting (pictured top), and enjoying suckers with cousins Grace and Lindy (right).

To the left, a portion of the adult tables, grandpa gary, g-ma marvie, great grandma & pa, uncle Randy, & antie Christa. On the right, the boys table, Jeremiah, corbin, Aaron & Zach

Easter~The Kid Table

Circling from Ella is Savannah (foster child of the Dertings, Lindy Young, Anna & Kassie Derting, & Grace Robbins.

Egg Hunting

Egg Hunting Fun with Cousin's Ethan & Jennifer, organized craziness! I think Ella enjoyed getting a ride a top Uncle Jason the best.

The Easter Fall!

We had a wonderful Easter Celebration here at the Pooley's home. The Derting, Pooley, Young, Robbins families, along with Grandma & Grandpa Gillam. Our photo-happy family will always remember this day by this close call of half the family falling off the deck to the beach. Thankfully, no one really fell, just the railing! You'll want to click this one to get a good close look at the expressions!