New portraits from Sears ~ July 23rd

Now 19 1/2 months old, the baby look is quickly fading. Tadaah! We have a toddler!

Enjoying our HOT SUMMER!

Ella loves the water~be it a bucket or a lake!
Here we are at Coeurd'Alene Lake with cousins Ethan and Jennifer.

Soo Cute!

Ready to spend a day in the sun with Grammy Marvie.

A Goodbye & Hello~ June 24, 2006

Today we said goodbye to Chris' Cousin Robert Moser at a memorial service after passing from an auto accident, and a first hello to little cousin Stormie Purcell.

May & June Birthday Party at Pooleys

This party was the first of many to come at the Pooley's new Twin Lakes home. All the little girls love the slide. Here Gracie and Ella are being helped by Kelly. Many to celebrate this day...Justin, Kassie, & Jayson Derting, Christa Robbins are those I remember right now, opps! Kassie got her first cowgirl hat, what a wonderful smile.

Ella and Lindy enjoying their cupcakes. What a backdrop!

Mothers Day

A Delicious Mothers Day brunch was enjoyed at Grandma and Grandpa's house again this year. Afterwards Great Grandma got help from Ella & I with planting some flowers. I loved this~making generation memories!

We went home and ALL got a good start on our spring yard clean up.

AhOH!! Double Fisting already!

Ella snatched up a glass at a party we held at home, and she must have liked the smell~look at that grin. Taking after daddy!

Ella sure loves her Kitty Habebe

Easter, 2006

Our Family hosted Easter this year at our house. Ella here looks ready fo a nap. : )
Ella with Aunt Jamie--Easter egg hunt got a bit chilly, but she wasn't gonna miss out!